Week 11, Day 3
Okay, so I stated in my last couple of Blogs that I will keep you all informed and post more frequently. Well…as you can see that is not happening. I am at fault; I have learned to accept that it’s usually my fault. That is definitely one thing you learn here in the academy, take responsibility even if it’s not ultimately your fault. Because by default…we are a team and somewhere I have probably contributed to the problem. Okay, so now that I have accepted the blame, let’s move on.
I still can’t believe we are halfway through week 11. I was sitting in class yesterday and was looking around the room thinking about the first couple of weeks in the academy. I was remembering how we all looked somewhat scared and excited and nervous. Fast-forward to today and we are all in our uniforms, wearing body armor (bulletproof vests) reciting traffic codes and state laws from the Colorado Statute book (the Blue Book). What a difference. This academy is molding, training and transforming us into Police Officers. I can say the academy instructors have a hard job, because this academy class has really challenged them. We have not transformed easily and we try to hold back, so we don’t completely give in and we will not be completely changed!!! But it doesn’t work. The academy staff and especially Deputy Johnson are winning the fight. Every day I get up and as I don my body armor and put on that uniform I think about several things:
First…coffee, I am not going to lie I live on caffeine. Most of my classmates will tell you, that energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull are a vital part of how we function in this academy.
Second…I think about what an honor it is to be able to have a job. The way this economy is, I am grateful everyday that I get to go to work.
Third…what it an honor it is to work for Jefferson County Sheriff Department. No, I am not just saying that because I know who reads these Blogs. It is true. Most of the instructors that teach at this academy, that are employed by Jeffco have been here for years. And I mean 12, 14, 18 and 20+ years. This is truly a great organization to work for and it shows by how many employees stay for their entire career.
More coffee….and don’t forget anything for class today. I don’t want to write memos and I don’t want to be the “one” that causes the class to do push-ups.
Fourth…what will I learn today? It’s not just about the textbook material, it’s what we learn from the instructors and from each other and from the mistakes we make. Unfortunately, my parents were right (I will never let them know that) I learn the best lessons, from my mistakes. Believe me, I have learned to swallow my pride and my ego and have learned some tough lessons. I always think I know best…NOT!!!
And the last thing I think about before I walk out the door before I head to class…did I feed the dogs? Really…I have all this other stuff to learn and get my books together, make sure I cleaned my gun, boots shined, Blog written. I have a house to worry about as well. My family got to see me for 2 hours on Easter Sunday. It’s like a gift when I show up, because the academy has the rest of me.
So, last week in arrest control we covered how to properly handcuff someone. Now I know what it feels like to be proned out (face down and handcuffed). Not a good feeling. So I will definitely be aware of that when I have to do that to someone else. We did a scenario in arrest control that showed us what it’s like to be completely exhausted physically and then have to chase someone. We chased a “suspect” and then had to slow our breathing down to think through the handcuffing process. That was an eye-opener.
We also covered more firearms training last week. We went through our first qualifying round, which will count towards our final firearms grade. I scored 190 out of 200. Not too bad, but still looking for that perfect 200. I looked around at everyone else’s scores and we are all doing well. It is a big improvement from the first couple of times we were on the range. We also learned how to go into buildings and do room searches. That too was an eye-opener.
Every time we learn a new skill or build upon some other skill, I am always amazed at how much muscle memory I have. I get butterflies in my stomach because I don’t know if I will remember how to do something or if I will do it correctly. The instructors just keep saying, it will come with time, just go with it and listen to what they say. So far it is working. The biggest thing for all these skills…is safety. We have to be safe with everything we do. We have had some injuries in arrest control, which have put people on physical restriction and at the doctor’s office. Thankfully we have had no incidents at the firearms range. (Knock on Wood) Tonight we are going to the firearms range to do some night shooting. This will be an experience. I will take more pictures and let you know how it goes.